2015 marks the first year of Soundwave’s seventh season, “Architecture,” and will culminate in the summer-long, city-wide innovative art and music festival in 2016. The first year of each season is a crucial part of our creative process because it encourages experimentation and marks the beginning of our commissioning process. In contrast to other festivals that present artists’ previously developed works, MEDIATE asks artists to respond to different environments, audiences and communities according to the season’s theme. As such, SonicLAB serves as a laboratory, allowing artists to develop entirely new works that correspond to Bay Area issues and concerns. In the summer of 2015, several SonicLAB events will investigate exhibit and performance concepts as well as curatorial directions in the theme of Architecture. It will coincide with a worldwide open call for proposals attracting artists and musicians and yielding more substantial developments for the final festival in 2016.
For artist and ticketing updates, re-visit this site, sign-up for our mailing list, or follow us on Facebook.
Soundwave ((7)) Launch Event + Fundraiser
Buy tickets>>
Friday, June 5
7:30 pm – 11 pm
Obscura Digital, 729 Tennessee St., San Francisco, CA
Performances by Christopher Willits, interactive installations by Azael Ferrer Gordo, Elia Vargas, and Nathan Blaz and music by DJ Ash Williams
Battery Townsley
Sunday, August 2
Time TBD
Battery Townsley, Fort Cronkhite, Marin Headlands
Public concerts at Battery Townsley, a WWII battery fortification in partnership with the National Park Service. Audiences hike to this historic site that sits on a hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean, where artists will use the architectural resonances of the structures, tunnels and passageways for their pieces.
AudioBus: Architecture
Saturday, August 15
Time TBD
Various locations in San Francisco
Moving concerts in the AudioBus, a sonically rigged double-decker bus. Audiences are taken on sound adventures through architecturally-significant neighborhoods in San Francisco and walks through exceptional architectural landmarks.
Nightlife at California Academy of Sciences
Thursday, August 20
6:00 pm
California Academy of Sciences
Soundwave hosts this evening of California Academy’s popular Nightlife, where visual and sound artists use innovations in design and technology to activate this significant building, showcasing its design history as well as the scientific and mathematical properties of sound.
Architecture + The City Festival
Saturday, August 29
Time TBD
Intersection for the Arts
in partnership with the American Institute of Architects San Francisco
and in collaboration with Arterra Landscape Architects
This walking tour/scavenger hunt through San Francisco enables participants to convert their visual cityscape into a soundscape.