Cold Core by Michael Leaverton, SFWeekly

“Good sound artists don’t do things halfway. Cheryl Leonard was interested in the Antarctic, so she went to the Antarctic. She collected field recordings — of penguins, seals, birds, ice, storms. She made instruments — of penguin bones, limpet shells, ice, rocks.” ...

Editor’s Pick of the Week, Flavorpill

“The duo spins out spooky electronic drone music on treated electric guitars. The Gothic jams are also inspired by Bay Area natural wonders like Muir Woods and the Presidio. Tonight at the Lab, Barn Owl uses their dark, atmospheric music to haunt the Illuminated...

All Natural Technology by Tonya Warner, ArtSlant

“The exhibition strongly makes the case that man’s relationship to the natural world has shifted so thoroughly that the intervention of interactive technologies seems not only logical but the necessary way in which to engage an audience. The star of the show, however,...

Shrouds Illuminated, SF Bay Guardian

“I walked in and these great swaths of white tulle were draped, floor to ceiling in front of the entryway and all around the exhibit hall, separating each small nook from the next cranny, and providing screenage for video projections of forest color and form.”  ...