Soundwave NEXT is thrilled to present King Tides, an evening of musical performances and video by artists who live and work near coasts. This year we present an international dialogue between Italy and the Bay Area- two regions  that owe much of their culture to oceans. Like the king tides which occur when the orbits and alignment of the earth, moon, and sun combine to produce the greatest tidal effects of the year, artists and creatives often preview how our cultural landscapes will change and evolve.   As sea levels continue to rise across the globe, artists across borders must strengthen our networks and deepen solidarity in order to address the climate issues of our time.  

Location: Gray Area 2665 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94110

Doors at 7:30pm 

Show at 8:00pm

October 26 2022

Tickets: $10 NOTAFLOF

Flyer by @ele.mol